I am Mattia Collalti a Senior Software Developer working remotely with 8 years and more of experience in international environments and with the most modern Agile methodologies! I like to define me rather as a modern artisan, hence the web page name

I am mainly focused on 🧑🏻‍💻 front-end, mobile development and team leading, with technologies such as Angular, Ionic and Xamarin, as my main expertise, but I also have an extensive knowledge suitable in positions as frontend developer using frameworks as React.js - or fullstack techs like Node.js and Express.js, or even .NET.

My hobbies are music and sailing ⛵️

This makes me a great team player, always able to coordinate and deliver work succesfully, helping my colleagues when needed!

🃏 The aces up my sleeve

  • Angular front-end development
  • Ionic/Angular team leading, management & software development
  • Xamarin.NET software development
  • CI/CD, GIT, AWS, Azure, Github, Gitlab, Azure DevOps, BitBucket
  • Jira, Confluence, Trello, Redmine
  • Team lead, project setup and delivery from A to Z both on mobile and web (AWS, App Store, Play Store)
  • Worked in SCRUM, Kanban
  • Speaks 5 languages fluently: ENG, ESP, NLD, FRA, ITA